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Pre Appointment

Please eat a meal before our session and do NOT drink alcohol. Alcohol is a blood thinner and may compromise the integrity of your tattoo. Make sure to drink lots of water and get a good night's sleep beforehand.


I do not take clients under the age of 18. Please bring ID as I may ask to see identification if you look underage.


Wear loose clothing to your appointment. If you are wanting a tattoo on your legs, please bring shorts to change into. 


Avoid taking Aspirin 24 hours before your appointment as it is a blood thinner. Ibuprofen is okay.


Feel free to bring headphones to listen to music, a podcast, or to watch a video while we are in session. I will not be offended if we don't talk much during our appointment!


A single guest is always welcome to accompany you to your appointment. Please let me know in advance if you plan on bringing more people as we must respect the other artists and their clients in the studio. I may not allow multiple guests depending if it's a busy day at Bird's Nest.


The studio is located on the second floor of our building. Please text or call me upon arrival so I can come let you in.

Post Appointment

The healing of your tattoo is your responsibility. I offer one free touch up session if you need one. The healing stages typically last 2 weeks.


Leave the second skin on for 24 hours, maximum 3 days. Carefully remove while in the shower with lukewarm water, and gently wash your tattoo with your hands and unscented soap. Air dry or pat dry with paper towel, NOT a regular towel as there is lots of bacteria on them. Wash your tattoo once or twice a day, and apply a thin layer of unscented lotion or vitamin A+E ointment that I provide at an extra charge. Keep your tattoo moisturized whenever it feels dry, and continue to keep it moisturized after it heals to keep it looking fresh.


Do not pick or scratch your new tattoo. Try gently slapping your skin when it gets itchy, which may happen for a few days. 


Do not swim, use a hot tub, sauna, or soak in a bath, do not excessively sweat, and avoid tanning and direct sunlight until your tattoo is healed. Use SPF on your tattoo after it has healed to maximize its longevity. 


Everybody's skin and healing processes are different. Remember, your tattoo is an open wound and must be treated as such. It can become infected if not taken care of properly. If you have any questions, please send me an email or text and I will try to help as best as I can.

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